Wednesday, November 1, 2017

We're Hiring!  

Rural Resources 
Garden Manager Position

Farm Description:

Rural Resources is a 501-c3, 15-acre farm in East Tennessee. The farm includes a new 3,900-square-foot learning center, barn,  creek, greenhouse, and walk-in cooler. Our mission is to connect farms, food, and families through experiential learning based on sustainable agriculture practices. The 2,500-square-foot garden is managed using hand tools, a walk behind tractor, and a small John Deere tractor with a tiller attachment. We also have small livestock that have mainly served for education and small-scale meat production.

Position Description:

This is a one year AmeriCorps position through Appalachia CARES. The Garden Manager position teaches at-risk teens organic agriculture and entrepreneurial skills. Responsibilities include but not limited to managing a garden, being an educational resource on organic food production for the community, safe food handling practices and farm business development. The Garden Manager also coordinates educational activities for younger children. During field trips.

Abilities and Skills:

The Garden Manager must possess a commitment to working with youth and a strong appreciation for farming, the land and the unique agricultural and cultural history of the Appalachian region. The Garden Manager must enjoy working with people and must be able to work independently with a minimum of supervision. This person must be able and willing to learn new skills through professional development opportunities in order to meet the broad range of tasks that are assigned to the position.


· Oversee planning & growing a garden and teach at-risk teens organic sustainable agriculture methods
· Help design, build and maintain home gardens with teens
· Meet and include field trip participants and Farm Day Camp children in learning about the garden.
· Direct special projects including fencing, carpentry and other farm improvement projects and manage volunteers and teens from the Farm & Food Teen Training Program as a part of accomplishing those projects.
· Work as a part of a team.
· Help train seasonal staff in farm and food safety
· Maintain irrigation infrastructure
· Work with other farmers to help support the local agricultural economy.
· Participate in fundraising initiatives.
· Complete special projects as assigned


· Ability to teach and work with youth of all ages
· Minimum of 3 years organic vegetable crop production preferred
· Experience in farm labor, infrastructure, equipment, business management  and marketing
· Ability to communicate effectively with the public
· Understanding of agricultural principles, whole-farm planning, crop rotation, soil enhancement methods, soil science, and general ecology
· A good attitude, flexibility, and a commitment to achieving the goals and mission of Rural Resources.
· Strong interpersonal, oral & written skills and the ability to work independently and as part of a diverse team
· Detail oriented
· Creative and high energy
· Able to work in all weather conditions
· Able to lift 50 pounds
· Computer literate

How to Apply:
Please submit a cover letter explaining why you’re interest, a resume, and three references to: Debbie Strickland, Farm & Food Training Coordinator (email:  Deadline is Nov. 15. Please, no phone calls or walk-ins.

Saturday, October 21, 2017

A Peachy Day at Greeneville Terrace!

While our Farm and Food Teen Training Program gets a lot of play on our blog and Facebook, it's not the only program that operates at Rural Resources. 

Community Outreach Coordinator Rhonda Hensley keeps as busy in the community as Miss Debbie does on the farm with the teens. Two of the more recent programs developed under community outreach include the partnership with Second Harvest for monthly produce distributions in low-income neighborhoods and food preservation classes at Greeneville Terrace. 

The food preservation classes meet regularly and participants have learned to can jams, jellies, soup, tomatoes, salsa, pickles, apple butter, potatoes and more. Below are some photos from the day they made peach jam. It was as delicious as it was fun!

Peeling the peaches.

Time to slice and dice!

Looks yummy!

The next step is mashing the peaches.

There was plenty for everyone to help with!

Beginning to look like jam.

Cooking it down.

Prepping the jars.

Time to fill the jars.

Getting ready to cover the jars.

Peach preserves for the pantry!

Watch for our newsletter for a story about the preservation classes!

Here are some other random pics from peach jam day:

Monday, September 18, 2017

Teens Hope to Tour Berea College

Youth from the Farm and Food Teen Training program hope to tour Berea College in just a few weeks but they need your help. The group is trying to raise $1,500 to cover transportation, lodging and food for the trip. Check out this link to learn more!

Monday, August 14, 2017

Rural Resources Receives Donation

Rural Resources would like to say a big "Thank You!" to Rhiannon Williams!

Rhiannon decided to start a fundraiser for us by "donating" her birthday. She tells about it in her own words at this link:

Thank you, Rhiannon!

Sunday, July 2, 2017

Farm and Food Teen Training Participant Accepted to Berea College

Veronica Smith's life reached a crossroads in 2012. The 13-year-old had been on what she now calls "a bad path." Poverty, bad decisions and bad habits left her feeling hopeless about her future. That's when she met Debbie Strickland, program director for Rural Resources' Farm and Food Teen Training program and embarked on a five-year, life-changing experiential learning journey.

Smith credits the program with pointing her life in a better direction.

“Rural Resources showed me I had a very wide range of options,” she said. “They provided me with the support and the structure that a lot of kids in the county need and they put me on a path toward success.”

One step along that path to success was connecting her to Berea College in Kentucky.  Berea College is a tuition free, federally recognized work college for economically disadvantaged students in Appalachia. It is ranked 60 in the 2017 list of best liberal arts colleges in the nation by U.S. News and World Report.

Smith, who graduated from South Greene High School in Greene County, Tennessee this year, will be attending Berea in the Fall. She had to prove financial need, as well as academic ability to attend the college.  

Strickland said Smith is the second teen from the program to attend Berea. She is preceded by Faelyn Campbell, graduate of Greeneville High in 2016. Both Smith and Campbell were among a group of program participants that toured the Berea campus with Strickland in 2014.

Smith said she now has clearly defined goals for her education and career.

“After college, I hope to travel with the Peace Corps and teach in underdeveloped countries,” she said. “Then when I come back, I plan to try to teach English and work in education administration to try to make an impact on small county administrative systems and school systems.”

Smith spent four years in the Farm and Food Teen Training program learning about gardening, livestock, culinary arts, and business planning and implementation. During the summer of 2016 she interned at Rural Resources, helping with communications for the program through Facebook, blogging, and public speaking.

“Veronica excelled in the teen program,” Strickland said. “I feel that Berea, a school of that caliber,  is going to open a door for her to change her life and the lives of others. I believe she's going to use this opportunity to the utmost.”

Rural Resources is a nonprofit working to connect farms, food and families through community education, programs to empower food-insecure youth, children’s programs and sustainable agricultural practices to build a vibrant local food economy, as well as addressing the needs of local farmers, gardeners and consumers.

Monday, June 12, 2017

The Incredible Farm Dinner on Main!


Incredible Farm Dinner on Main!

JUNE 23, 2017

Photo of Farm to Table Dinner in Jonesborough is courtesy of Woven Creative Studio
Tickets are on sale now for the Incredible Farm Dinner on Main!
Meet us downtown on June 23rd at 7:00 p.m. for dinner and live music on Main Street in Greeneville, Tenn. Reserve your place at the table now!
The Incredible Farm Dinner on Main is the “don’t miss” event of the summer in Greeneville, TN.  Enjoy local fare around one community table set to perfection right in the middle of Main Street!  We will gather at 7pm in the lobby of the Capitol Theatre for hors d’oeuvres and drinks and then be seated on Main for a four course meal.  
This event benefits Rural Resources and the Capitol Theatre and is made possible with generous sponsorship from: Eastman Credit Union, Jost, Inc, Meco, Rogers Family Dentistry, TEVET, The Well Stocked Bar, Towne Square Package Store, Consumer Credit Union, JD Metals,The General Morgan Inn, Through the Eyes of Sam Photography, and others. Special thanks to Catalyst Coffee Company, Jonesborough Locally Grown and First Presbyterian Church.

Special thanks to our lead sponsor:

Thursday, June 8, 2017

A New Face At The Farm

Rural Resources welcomed a new face to the farm in June. Ashley Buchanan accepted the Farm Day Camp teacher position for the 2017 summer season. Buchanan’s background in art and agriculture makes her a perfect fit for Farm Day Camp.

“This ended up being a perfect opportunity for me,” said Buchanan, who graduated from Walter’s State this year. “I couldn't ask for something better to just come up out of the blue.”

Buchanan’s plans for the program include “a lot of hands-on experience.” She said they’ll learn about gardening, from starting a seed to harvesting, as well as livestock.

“I definitely want them to have an opportunity to interact with the potbellied pig and the rabbits and the dairy cow,” she said.

She added, “I guess another aspect of it is bringing in my love for the arts. and being able to do some gardening projects that are creative I'm really excited about being able to weave that together and then of course, time in the creek.”

Plans are also in the works to have horses available for children to interact with and there will also be opportunities for fun and learning off the farm, including a hike to a popular local waterfall.

“The older kids we're looking to them to Margarette falls, weather permitting, and if everything goes as planned, on Friday we will get to take them on the hike and take them into a different atmosphere on the trail than on the farm,” she said. “I'm going to do a scavenger hunt along the way to identify different plants and critters.”

Buchanan said she likes to use any kind of opportunity as a learning experience for kids.

“Part of it is influenced by my background. of being in Johnson City and not really having those opportunities for agricultural activities, working with animals or having someone who could teach me about plant sciences,” she said. “We spent a lot of time outside, did the hiking and camping, but the educational part, I'd say was lacking. I just kind of stumbled upon it a couple years ago. and fell in love with it.”

She added, “I think you learn lots of different aspects of just working through life, by learning how to care for animals and plants, and their growth cycle. I think can be applied to our own lives and being able to care for ourselves.”

Faelyn Campbell, a former participant in Rural Resources’ Farm and Food Teen Training Program who is currently pursuing a bachelor’s degree at Berea College in Kentucky, is Buchanan’s assistant for the 2017 Farm Day Camp season.

“Having her experience there is phenomenal,” said Buchanan. “She’s familiar with the program and the farm. I think she'll be great. I'm very grateful to have her.”

Buchanan’s ultimate my goal is to become a 4-H extension agent working so she can combine her loves for art, being outdoors and agriculture. She’s planning to continue her education at UT in the agricultural leadership communications and education program to earn a master’s degree.

Farm Day Camp is an opportunity for children ages four to 12 to enjoy a full week of hands-on activities on the farm, learning about food's journey from soil to table while building relationships with the land, plants, animals and each other.
The week-long camps run from June 5 to July 28 at  Rural Resources' Holly Creek Farm, 2870 Holly Creek Rd., Greeneville, TN 37745. Visit the website for more information and to register.

Rural Resources is nonprofit working to connect farms, food and families through community education, youth programs and sustainable agriculture.

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Organic Certification Cost Share Program

Do you know about the Organic Certification Cost Share Program? Here are some facts from the USDA:

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)
National Organic Certification Cost Share Program
(NOCCSP), administered by the USDA Farm Service
Agency (FSA), provides organic producers and
handlers with financial assistance to reduce the cost
of organic certification. The program reimburses
producers and handlers for a portion of their paid
certification costs. Once certified, organic producers
and handlers are eligible to receive reimbursement for
up to 75 percent of certification costs each year, up to
a maximum of $750 per certification scope—crops,
livestock, wild crops and handling. Additional scopes
include transition certification and state program fees.

Certified organic producers and handlers who have
paid certification fees may apply for reimbursement
of the incurred costs.

Yes. Organic certification cost share funds are only
available to certified organic or certified transitional
producers and handlers. Certification must be
provided by a USDA-accredited certifying agent. If
your operation is not currently certified organic and
you would like to learn more about the certification
process, please visit

Eligible costs include application fees, inspection
costs, fees related to equivalency agreement/
arrangement requirements, travel/per diem for
inspectors, user fees, sales assessments and postage.

Ineligible costs include equipment, materials,
supplies, late fees, and inspections necessary to
address National Organic Program regulatory

The maximum per certification scope (crops,
livestock, wild crops and handling) is $750.
Transition and state certification reimbursements
will be processed separately.

You may apply to a participating state agency
according to their deadlines, or beginning March 20,
2017, you may apply directly to one of over 2,100
FSA offices. Applicants must typically submit a onepage
application form, W-9 tax form (to participating
state agencies), proof of certification and an itemized
invoice of certification expenses.

This fact sheet is provided for informational purposes
only; other eligible requirements may apply. For more
information, visit contact
your local FSA county office. To find an office
nearest you, visit


Incredible Farm Dinner on Main!

JUNE 23, 2017

Photo of Farm to Table Dinner in Jonesborough is courtesy of Woven Creative Studio
Tickets are on sale now for the Incredible Farm Dinner on Main!
Meet us downtown on June 23rd at 7:00 p.m. for dinner and live music on Main Street in Greeneville, Tenn. Reserve your place at the table now!
The Incredible Farm Dinner on Main is the “don’t miss” event of the summer in Greeneville, TN.  Enjoy local fare around one community table set to perfection right in the middle of Main Street!  We will gather at 7pm in the lobby of the Capitol Theatre for hors d’oeuvres and drinks and then be seated on Main for a four course meal.  
This event benefits Rural Resources and the Capitol Theatre and is made possible with generous sponsorship from: Eastman Credit Union, Jost, Inc, Meco, Rogers Family Dentistry, TEVET, The Well Stocked Bar, Towne Square Package Store, Consumer Credit Union, JD Metals,The General Morgan Inn, Through the Eyes of Sam Photography, and others. Special thanks to Catalyst Coffee Company, Joneborough Locally Grown and First Presbyterian Church.

Special thanks to our lead sponsor:

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

This is happening tomorrow! Come out and join us!



We hope you received your invitation to Rural Resources' Annual Meeting and Dinner to be held at 6:00 p.m. on Thursday, May 11th at the Rural Resources Farm.  We really hope you are planning on attending and touring the new Farm & Food Learning Center that is under construction.  If you are, it would help us immensely to know you are coming!  

The dinner will feature locally raised ingredients live music and the event is free!
We are also continuing to raise funds for the Farm & Food Learning Center.  If you would like to make a donation of any amount, we welcome all donations at the dinner or click here to donate online.

Everyone is invited to come to visit the farm and see our progress,” said Rural Resources Executive Director Sally Causey. “We are excited to show you our sustainably built, energy efficient Learning Center.”

Tennessee Arts Commission funds will provide music by Knoxville jazz duo Jack Furnari and Mike Benjamin. The event will include a hamburger dinner featuring local beef, salad from the farm and homemade ice cream.
The Farm & Food Learning Center will provide space for programs, community workshops, offices and a commercial kitchen. The Rural Resources staff has been working out of a small trailer, without indoor plumbing, since a fire destroyed the building in 2009. Youth programs have been held in out buildings and a Pavilion donated by the Rotary Club. Thanks to funding from the USDA, the Appalachian Regional Commission, East Tennessee Foundation and many other generous local donors, progress on the learning center is continuing.

The teens in our Farm & Food Teen Training program will be able to prepare and preserve the food they grow on-site and be able to build sustainable farm- and food-related businesses,” said Causey. “Farm Day Campers won’t have to use the outhouse anymore and students coming for field trips will have expanded offerings. There is no doubt that this facility will be a game-changer for hands-on learning opportunities for years to come.”
Rural Resources is nonprofit working to connect farms, food and families through community education, youth programs and sustainable agriculture.
Holly Creek Farm is located at 2870 Holly Creek Rd, Greeneville. For more information call Rural Resources at 423-636-8171 or visit our website

Make a donation toward completing the Farm & Food Learning Center here!

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Date Correction for Incredible Farm Dinner



Incredible Farm Dinner on Main!

JUNE 23, 2017

Photo of Farm to Table Dinner in Jonesborough is courtesy of Woven Creative Studio
Tickets are on sale now for the Incredible Farm Dinner on Main!
Meet us downtown on June 23rd at 7:00 p.m. for dinner and live music on Main Street in Greeneville, Tenn. Reserve your place at the table now!
The Incredible Farm Dinner on Main is the “don’t miss” event of the summer in Greeneville, TN.  Enjoy local fare around one community table set to perfection right in the middle of Main Street!  We will gather at 7pm in the lobby of the Capital Theatre for hors d’oeuvres and drinks and then be seated on Main for a four course meal.  
This event benefits Rural Resources and the Capital Theatre and is made possible with generous sponsorship from Edward Jones Investments with Lee House, Jost, Inc., TEVET, The Well Stocked Bar, Towne Square Package Store, Through the Eyes of Sam Photography and others.

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Schedule Change and More Events!

Third Time's the Charm?
We Hope So!


Has Been Rescheduled (Again) for May 11th Due to Weather

Same time, same place, different day! The public is invited to attend Rural Resources Annual Meeting and Dinner on May 11th at 6:00 p.m. at Holly Creek Farm. The event is free but donations will be gratefully accepted to help offset the cost.
Guests will be able to tour the new Farm & Food Learning Center, currently under construction, and see the progress on the Farm and Food Teen Training program’s spring garden.

The Farm & Food Learning Center will provide space for programs, community workshops, offices and a commercial kitchen. The Rural Resources staff has been working out of a small trailer, without indoor plumbing, since a fire destroyed the building in 2009. Youth programs have been held in out buildings and a Pavilion donated by the Rotary Club. Thanks to funding from the USDA, the Appalachian Regional Commission, East Tennessee Foundation and many other generous local donors, progress on the learning center is continuing.

Rural Resources is nonprofit working to connect farms, food and families through community education, youth programs and sustainable agriculture.
Holly Creek Farm is located at 2870 Holly Creek Rd, Greeneville. For more information call Rural Resources at 423-636-8171 or register here.

Incredible Farm Dinner on Main!

Photo of Farm to Table Dinner in Jonesborough is courtesy of Woven Creative Studios

Tickets are on sale now for the Incredible Farm Dinner on Main!

Meet us downtown on July 23rd at 7:00 p.m. for dinner and live music on Main Street in Greeneville, Tenn. Reserve your place at the table now!
The Incredible Farm Dinner on Main is the “don’t miss” event of the summer in Greeneville, TN.  Enjoy local fare around one community table set to perfection right in the middle of Main Street!  We will gather at 7pm in the lobby of the Capital Theatre for hors d’oeuvres and drinks and then be seated on Main for a 4 course meal.  End the night with more fun inside the Capital.
This event benefits Rural Resources and the Capital Theatre and is made possible with generous sponsorship from Edward Jones Investments with Lee House, Jost, Inc., Tracey Solomon, and others.

 Farm Day Camp Registration is Open!

It's Time for Summer Fun on the Farm!

Farm Day Camp is an opportunity for children ages 4 to 12 to enjoy a full week of hands-on activities on the farm, learning about food's journey from soil to table while building relationships with the land, plants, animals and each other!

The week-long camps run from June 5 to July 28 at  Rural Resources' Holly Creek Farm, 2870 Holly Creek Rd., Greeneville, TN 37745.

The 2017 sessions:
Li'l Sprouts 1, ages 4-5, June 5 - 10; meets 9-noon,
Li'l Sprouts 2, ages 4-5, June 12 - 16; meets 9-noon,
Farm Explorers1, 1st - 3rd Grades, June 19 - 23; 9-3pm
Farm Explorers 2, 1st - 3rd Grades, June 26 - 30; 9-3pm
Farm Explorers 3, 1st - 3rd Grades, July 17 - 21; 9-3pm
Discover Natural Resources Camp, Grades 4-6 or experienced Farm Day
Campers, July 24 - 28; 9-5 M-W, overnight Thurs., and dismisses at noon on Friday

Sprouts $85; Explorers $160; Discovery $225
A limited number of scholarships are available.

Spaces are limited. Register HERE!
Or Contact Sharon at 423-636-8171